Pluto & mercury retrograde šŸ’«

Astrology Lesson:

Pluto is retrograding in Capricorn for the final time before moving into Aquarius for the next 20 years.

Pluto is the furthest planet out in our solar system so its cycle takes the longest to go around the entire zodiac. Approximately 248 years.

Pluto is the planet of death and transformation. Trauma and our psyche. It is the archetype of the Phoenix šŸ¦ā€šŸ”„.

So while this planet feels scary it can help us evolve. Become resilient. And gives us our POWER!

Capricorn is the sign of long standing foundations. Think the GOAT šŸ. It takes a long time for the GOAT to become the GOAT and to climb that mountain. But GOATs can also be very stubborn. And because it takes the GOAT so long to establish itself it doesnā€™t want to be knocked down off their position. This is also why the GOAT must have integrity and check themselves to remain in position.

Capricorn rules the 10th house. Our public image (which takes time to create). The 10th house rules our legacy also.

Now it depends on where Capricorn is in your chart to know exactly how this final retrograde over the next 80 days will affect you. But notice the word FINAL, this is our last chance to pass the test that Pluto in Capricorn is trying to teach you. I donā€™t know about you but I donā€™t want to be stuck in the same cycle I have been in for the last 16 years while Pluto has been in Capricorn.

Retrogrades are a time for review, reflection, reassessment, revision.

We are being pushed to changed, transform something that has been calling to us since 2008 when Pluto first entered Capricorn. What has been a theme that started in 2008 that you are tired of and what to break free from?

For me, before I knew anything about Astrology, I got married in 2008. Guess where Capricorn is in my chart? My 7th house. The house of partnerships and marriage. In this 16 years of Capricorn going through my 7th house, I got married (2008) and divorced (2019). The last 5-ish years I have been taking time to myself to transform myself after a very toxic marriage and relearning the single life. What do I want in a partnership? What have I seen before that I do not want to repeat? It is easy to repeat the patterns of what you have alwaze known, even though you donā€™t like it. Because it is all you have known.

I got married at 26 and divorced at 37. I learned A LOT in that time. And now with Pluto retrograding for the last time in my 7th houseā€¦I am no longer tolerating what I do not deserve. That is not a knock on anyone I have dealt with over the last couple of years but I have been through too much. Worked too hard on myself to go back to anything that makes me feel like my old self. Sheā€™s dead and gone! Now it all sounds easy but the ā€œhowā€ alwaze takes longer to master. How to draw new energetic boundaries? How to cut off dead weight that is holding me back? How to deal with people that arenā€™t moving with me? Well, this Mercury Retrograde taught me that.

I used to cut people off so easily in the past. But as you heal, you attempt to ā€œbe matureā€ enough to have a conversation. But I have found most people will try and draw you back in, or at least the people I was dealing with so after having 1 or 2 conversations, it can become a back and forth.

Sometimes you have to say what you have to say and move how you need to move.

It is not a conversationā€¦it is a declaration.

ā€œI wish you well, but I am no longer interested in this connection.ā€ If it makes you feel better, tell them why,..ā€you lied to me and I donā€™t deserve that,ā€ or, ā€œI donā€™t feel we are a good fit and I want to end this now to not waste either one of our time.ā€

Hmmm. Did I say this to them? No šŸ˜‚ but I was thinking it. HEAVILY! I I didnā€™t say it because my Mercury ruled Virgo Sun can say things very matter of factly, which people see as mean or having words that cut. When in actuality Virgo ā€œessentiallyā€ is a very ā€œkindā€ energy. But keep in mind that is my sun. Early on I would just say what ever was illuminated (sun). Often without thinking. My Mercury is actually in Libra, Libra wants harmony. Libra is ruled by Venus so as I go older I learned I neeed to polish my way of communicating. Balance my communication. See both sides. Which can lead Libra to be a very people pleasing energy.

I have Mercury conjunct Saturn and Pluto, so over time I learned that my words caused people to react in certain ways so I started filtering my communication. Now at almost 42, I think I am mastering being honest and diplomatic. And also understanding that the truth hurts so show compassion when you give it. It also helps to share personal accounts of my own journey to calm any feelings of judgement that may be felt. ā€œBeen there done that,ā€ can really make people feel like they arenā€™t alone, or being attacked.

Anywayā€¦I didnā€™t expect this to turn into a blog post, I typed this on Facebook but itā€™s so long I need to use it for website content.

Ok, let me look it over and see if I got out everything I came here to say about Pluto Retorgrading in my 7th houseā€¦

ā€¦In Conclusion: If you know your chart please look at where Capricorn is in your chart to see the area of life is begging to be reviewed for transformation. Pluto rules death and transformation. I am ending relationships that are unhealthy and toxic. That goes for all relationships that are unhealthy, romantic, friends, clients, family,ā€¦(YouTube video coming soon on this)ā€¦businessā€¦any relationship that is not in alignment with who I have become. When I say unhealthy I can physically feel when a relationship is not in alignment and is causing physical reactions and health problems. Ainā€™t NOBODY got time for that. Fill your cup first Fatimah Faith. Stop trying to fill cups with holes in it. Stop trying to help those that wont help themselves. And finallyā€¦create! We are no longer focusing on all the trauma. You have done so much work it is now time to polish it up and show the beauty of healing. To inspire others with how you turned your life into art šŸŽØā€¦

Whew childā€¦Free Writingā€¦where it will go, nobody knowsā€¦just keep goingā€¦

Published @ 1132am est Friday August 30, 2024

Virgo ā™ļø Sun ā˜€ļø @ 7*

Cancer ā™‹ļø Moon šŸŒ˜ @ 29* šŸ™šŸ½

Scorpio ā™ļø Rising šŸŒ… @ 7*


Back to the woodsā€¦