Back to the woods…

I am writing this Thursday July 4, 2024 @ 1115am…real time.

Where to begin?… I have been slightly MIA on here. It was like I launched the site but so much was changing in my internal world, as it often feels like it is, and I wasn’t sure where to pick up. So I just went live on fff.ceac (IG) to pull some Divine Entrepreneur Oracle Cards to figure out what I “should” be doing with this energy I am feeling and it directed me back to this website.

I have written blog posts in my notes app but they never made it here. Just like the message of hitting the button, I think I need to free write in the space so I can be in the energy. Let’s see how long this takes…

This picture attached to this post is from this past Saturday June 29, 2024 when I finally made it back to the woods where the transformation began. A friend of mine had asked me to go walk the local trail and knowing that it was Aries season and we were just 2 days away from the solar eclipse I wore my red (color for Aries) sweatsuit. Aries is my 10th house of career and public image so intention was set. The whole trail is 5 miles and while we were not expecting to walk the whole thing, the message that kept coming through is, “We are moving forward. No turning back.”

While we were on the trail, I got a message from a friend that they had gotten some mushrooms after I kept requesting, I thought, “Well, I guess it is time.” What a way to bring in the eclipse.

Ever since Aries season I kept saying I need to go back out to the woods and at least revisit the tree stump that I was very drawn too. When I first saw that stump I saw an opening that looked like a vagina to me. I felt the energy of rebirth around this tree stump. And since Aries (the beginning of the astrological new year), I have been rebirthing myself. Refining my public image. And not on no fake shyt either. Like really reevaluating how I want to move forward in my life.

I will say it over and over, what was revealed to me on that shroom journey changed everything. It healed parts of my deepest wound that I didn’t even know existed…but like they say when you know…I was going to say, “When you know better, you do better,” but there is a hint of shame in that phrase. Hmmm. “When you know, you now have the ability to move with more awareness, clarity and grace.” Yeah…I like that better. @ 1139am

So, yeah I made it back to the woods where the journey began. Coincidence it took a whole quarter to make it back. It took the Sun entering my 1st house of Cancer to make it back. I say quarter because I went in Aries season, the first cardinal sign and went back Cancer season, the second cardinal sign. And no coincidence I ended up going when the moon was in Aries.

I hiked to that same tree stump and met a woman at that stump that started asking what I was doing when I pulled my equipment to take a new picture at that same tree portal. We ended up talking for almost 30 minutes, about God, spirituality and all the sorts. After a short while I asked what her sign was and guess what? She was an Aries. Lol. Can’t make it up. And by the end we exchange names and she told me her name was April. April the Aries then took my picture at the tree stump. How fitting.

…Now to figure out how to plug pictures here on a blog post? 🤔 (Real time remember…) I am figuring all this out as I go. @1152am watching a YouTube video…and straight like dat I did it @ 1155am… I could’ve added a caption but lets keep is simple. “Shot by April the Aries” at the Noland Trail in Newport News, VA.

Ok, back to building my space. Ah I forgot how good it feels to have a space without external noise to just be free…

While I was out on the trail and after finding the portal I found a nearby bench where I decided to record for YouTube. This was my first long video for YouTube and I am super happy with what I created. Showing real time with no cuts just being in the present moment for whoever wants to share the present moment with me. I alwaze say that I feel the “spiritual journey,” through these platforms is so edited. It feels like these “gurus” don’t show any of their real self. The whole story of what their journey is. I never wanted to be that way. I want when people see my stuff they know they are getting the realest parts of me. Also it really keeps me in integrity to read myself in front of the world and share my current struggles.

So much of social media is short clips but I have alwaze wanted to expand peoples attention span. That is why writing has alwaze been so important to me because most people wont stop to even read your words. I am not for those people. Hmmm…but maybe I am. That is the reason why you have cultivated so many spaces, to draw people in. I guess I am for the few that will follow the bread crumbs. It means a lot to me when I see people that have started to connect with me across platforms. That interact with all different content that I put out.

Anyway…I feel like that is enough for write now…I got a lot out. I learned to plug an image now let me play and see if I can plug a video and the link to my YouTube video so you can see what more of the experience was when I returned to the woods. 😉 @ 1207pm

Summary of my YouTube. But I see because this is my second time uploading this video it took the 30 minutes storage down to 21 minutes. Now I need to find where the storage is to make sure the 1st video is deleted to put my storage back at 25 minutes. (Figuring it out.)

Hmmm @1224pm So I uploaded the video “summary” of the YouTube video but…I see I need finish all my writing to put the video in the place I want it. I would like the video before this section but I don’t see how to just move the video up so let me do it again. I also notice that you can upload up to 30 minutes, storage wise. But I am sure you can pay for more storage. I also need to figure out what will happen if I post some of my social media content (reels) that have music in it. I love music and need this website to really encompass ALL of me. But I know copyright can be an issue. I wish I could just give credit to the name of the song and the artist. Sidenote was my main reason for liking OnlyFans because I could freely vibe with my music without having to worry about copyright. But I am also learning how to use multiple platforms. I also will research subscriptions/ members only content here. I need to learn all that I can do here. This is where I need to most of my time. Make people come to me here. Find me here. Speak by Jhene Aiko playing right now. I have chills. “Be Free…” feeling slightly emotional. Feeling the New Moon in Cancer coming into my first house. The literal rebirth. I see my life. The life I have been envisioning since 2020. The lifestyle of a writer. A teacher/ student of the souls journey…Whew…@1232pm.

I also need to figure out how to allow people to comment on my blogs. I want to build an online community of seekers. Healers. Some of the journey must me experienced alone but man oh man having support from those spiritual warriors also walking their path to enlightenment to serve others…what a beautiful place to connect.

Ok back to plugging this video where it belongs and adding the link to the YouTube video.

So we got the video in the right location @1248pm. I may go back later and edit this whole entry but I feel like I got more comfortable in this space today. Now to plug the YouTube link and then I am off to the gym in about 30 minutes. Hope you all are having a great day.

I did it @ 1250pm GO ME!


Pluto & mercury retrograde 💫

