Peace Luv’s! It’s fatimah faith.

Welcome to My World!

…When I decided to start this website I wanted to encompass all that I am into this little “peace”of digital real estate. But how? In the beginning, I can’t lie, I had no vision of what it should be or what it would become. My Virgo ♍️ mind WANTED to make it organized, logical…perfect, but I soon realized I needed the creativity of my Leo ♌️ moon to reveal what my soul NEEDED this space to be.

Over the last year; as I emerged out of my hermit shell and became more visible online, people were constantly asking me, “Who are you?” “What do you do?” 🤔 How do I answer that? The story of my life has been that of a quiet girl that never quite felt understood. In a constant state of contemplation, I often tried to label myself. To put all that I am in a nice, neat box hoping someone would be interested enough to want to know more about me. Hmmm…there goes that theme of “enough” & “more” again…

Now, just because I say “hermit,” “quiet,” “contemplative,” doesn’t mean I can’t “people.” I actually “people” very well it’s just that I have found that most can’t find me in the depths of my inner world. So interactions feel very surface level to me and that, in itself, can sometimes be draining to my energy. But if you are looking for quick bullets points of “Who I am?” scroll down to the chart below…

…As time has gone on in my process; not just in creating this site but since leaving the workforce in 2020; I was still trying to label myself. “I’m a community advocate.” “Healer” “Organizer.” The list was never ending and it also would depend on who I was talking to. And then one day in 2021, I started hearing “personal brand.” But what even is a personal brand by “human language?” (Sidebar: I intuitively hear things that I am not completely aware of and that’s when the research begins to grasp it as a concept in language that is easier to articulate.)

So 🤔 a personal brand? I liked it! But I wasn’t finding anything that really stuck with me cognitively. It really just felt like, “I am the brand!” “I’m just me. Doing all the things I do.”

Fast forward to January 2024 (yes! 3 years later) and I am ready to “collaborate” with a web designer. Initially all I knew is that I wanted a website that was my name that takes the viewer on a journey through portals of my personality. Since 2013 I had been using my social media pages to express different facets of myself, compartmentalizing the pieces of me that desperately needed to be heard. Honestly I have never felt safe to be ALL of myself anywhere. Until now…

This website is my safe space. But I am also hopeful that I can create a digital community where more “quiet, contemplative hermits” feel seen, heard, validated & given the space to heal themselves with a guide.

I alwaze say, “just because I’m an introvert doesn’t mean I want to be alone all the time.” Just ready to spread my wings, expand my reach and hopefully help others along the way as we continue our individual journeys.

Was this a traditional about page? Nah. But nothing I do is traditional. We flow with it and see where it takes us…


professional experience

  • Associates in Paralegal Law

  • AMACHI Mentoring Program Coordinator

  • Deputy Sheriff

  • Emergency Management Professional

  • Safety Program Manager for Healthcare

  • Environmental Health Specialist

Personal Experience

  • Trauma Survivor

  • Fibromyalgia Warrior

  • Recovering Alcoholic

  • Crisis Support Counselor

  • Health & Wellness Alchemist

  • Inspirational Speaker

Entrepreneurial Experience

  • Advocate & Activist

  • Community Organizer

  • Healer, Oracle, Astrologer

  • Writer, Researcher, Creative

  • Reiki Practitioner

  • Spiritual Advisor

  • Teacher & Guide

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